God at Work (No Trespassing)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6 NASB)

When I was younger, I had an idea of how I thought my life would turn out, or at least how I hoped it would. I expected good health, peaceful relationships and smooth circumstances. I figured things might turn out differently, but what I didn’t realize is how much I’d tied my sense of well being to how my life was going. As a result, when the inevitable, unexpected twists occurred, I found myself on shaky ground, searching for something lasting to fill my need for joy. Perhaps you can relate.

It’s a midspring morning. I take a sip of my favorite kind of coffee, strong and dark with a little bit of stevia and cream. I’m beginning to feel the sun’s warmth cutting through the new day coolness, but it’s not high enough to blaze over the leafy green canopy. There’s no break in the constant symphony of birds singing above and in the forest beyond.

I want to celebrate the new day with as much melodious joy as these birds, but I need to be sure I’m still trusting God in these unexpected paths my life has taken. I have no doubt He’s with me, but in one situation He’s erected a ‘God at Work’ sign and He wants me to honor it. He’ll invite me in when He’s ready. In the meantime, my job is ferocious prayer.

A neighbor, walking her dogs, sees me and walks down the driveway to chat. She asks about our new dog, Lily, rescued off the streets on Good Friday.

We talk about shade flowers and how my bride and I plan on adding some color to our water garden next to the porch.

When she leaves, I continue my preparation for the new day. Years ago, I would have denied the gravity of the very painful parts of life, feeling what I could, stuffing the rest and keeping on best I could. But now that I’m learning how to properly steward my feelings, I see how denying emotional pain desensitizes my heart and makes it hard for me to discern God’s nearness.

If I’m to truly rejoice with the birds, I need to rehearse the steps I believe God has given me to help me honor His ‘God at Work’ sign in this very hard situation.

  • Don’t try to pretend all is well. Acknowledge my life is different than I hoped. Accept the loss and feel the pain. Lord, I call You near in the depths of my grief. You’re the God of all Comfort. Sooth my pain with the Joy of Your presence.[1]Celebrate the fact that God has seen me through tough times and trust He will do it again in this situation. Lord, You’ve been so faithful through so many difficulties. Looking back, I certainly see how You’ve used these trials for me to give up trying to live life on my own and to trust You.[2] The eternal work You’ve done in my soul makes this very hard situation worth it. When it first began, I would have never thought this to be the case, but now my heart tells me it’s true. This very hard situation has strengthened me emotionally and spiritually to the point that it is actually worth it. Thank You Lord.
  • Catch myself in the act of feeling bad about what I can’t change. This is in the Lord’s hands. Decide to stop trying to figure things out. Lord, I trust You to invite me into this difficulty when You’re ready. I don’t want to thwart what You’re doing. In the meantime, I trust You’re at work in the lives of all involved in ways I may never understand.
  • Focus on the beautiful things on this side of the ‘God at Work’ sign. Even though this situation is one I never expected, it doesn’t make my life incomplete. It’s easy for me to feel like a failure, but in Christ, I am complete.[3] I died, and my life is now hidden with Christ in God.[4]  Lord, in You I’m okay, even if this situation is never resolved. I’m free to enjoy life’s moments with You in spite of, and in the midst of, any unexpected situation. 

But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; (Psalm 73:28a NASB)

Lord, my heart is ready to be glad. In you, I rejoice always, even when life takes a turn which threatens my sense of well being. Through it all, my eyes are on You. My faith is growing because of this hard reality in ways I would have never thought possible.  I draw closer to You every day because of it. I don’t need this situation to work out to be okay.

You are enough.

My life is oriented from things above where I’m seated with You. My comfort is not the most important thing. Please continue Your work while I wait.

Lord, as I walk into this new day, show me who You want to love through me. Complete my joy as I love others as You’ve loved me, abiding always in Your love.[5]

Yet those who wait for the Lord
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.  (Isaiah 40:31 NASB)

Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures. Subscribe below to get email notifications of new posts. We post a few times a month. Thank you for reading. 

 Novels by the Author:

Beyond Time

Hope Remains

[1] II Corinthians 1:3-5

[2] II Corinthians 1:8-9

[3] Colossians 2:9-10

[4] Colossians 3:3

[5] John 15:9-12

18 thoughts on “God at Work (No Trespassing)”

  1. I so appreciate this perspective, Rob. YES our Father IS enough ! And yes, I can trust Him ….beyond and above my feelings or inability to understand present circumstances! God is at work… keep out !!! Trusting His faithfulness to work ALL to His glory.

  2. Rob, the exposure of your vulnerable heart to Papa shares so much wisdom and strength. Your being so open encourages me to rest in His perfect plan. Thank you Brother.. love you!

  3. Thank You God for speaking to me through others who love you. Please continue to lead, guide, direct protect us as we put our trust in You and You alone. I love you Rob. You have a loving spirit. I pray that you will continue to be blessed.

    1. Thanks so much Keisha. You are my sister in Christ. Let’s continue you to point folks to our Loving Savior.

  4. This is so for me today. At 29 I thought my life would look a lot different but I’m trying to remember to trust God and know that His will is best not mine. Appreciate you taking time to share with us!

  5. As I read, I exclaimed out loud, “Wow!” and “Oh, that’s good.” repeatedly. It’s remarkable how our circumstances are most likely completely different yet every word you wrote is completely applicable to each one. I am encouraged and inspired to continue on in my journey with joy and thanksgiving. This is a like a Pilgrim’s Progress moment for me as I find my footing in the hard good. Love and prayers to you and your bride!

  6. As I read, I exclaimed out loud, “Wow!” and “Oh, that’s good.” repeatedly. It’s remarkable how our circumstances are most likely completely different yet every word you wrote is completely applicable to each one. I am encouraged and inspired to continue on in my journey with joy and thanksgiving. This is a like a Pilgrim’s Progress moment for me as I find my footing in the hard good. Love and prayers to you and your bride!

    1. Thanks so much Tina. Coming to terms with our unexpected paths in life can be very hard, but as we press in God’s comforting nearness brings gladness.

  7. Great quote. So true: “ If I’m to truly rejoice with the birds, I need to rehearse the steps I believe God has given me to help me honor His ‘God at Work’ sign in this very hard situation.”

    Great reflections. Thanks Robby

  8. With the temperature pleasant during the night, we have our bedroom window open. Every spring, I am surprised at how early some birds get up. Their sound is so soothing. Happy. Your words today reminded me how God watches over the birds, and not just the sparrow, as The Word and as the song says. So your words today reminded me that even through our trials, God is taking care of us. I want to learn to be more carefree, as the birds, because if He is watching over them, He watches over us even more! If I remember that, I have the assurance that even this trial will pass, because holds us in His hands! We know that when this journey has ended, if we KNOW he is our Lord and Savior, everything will be alright, when we pass from this life!

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