It’s been a battle this week to stay on higher ground. My prayer is to set my mind on things above and orient my life around God’s greater purposes to conform me into the image of His Son. But lately, my heart’s been more invested in my circumstances and how my life’s going.
When this happens, I lose perspective and go into survival mode. I have little regard for others and am more concerned with how I’m doing. I wrote the following in my journal:
As I got off work today, my mood was sinking. It lingered as I dropped by Publix on the way home. The cashier, named Gage, was super joyous in his conversations. Normally, this is how I feel, but my gloominess was a stark contrast to his exuberance.
As I hurriedly transferred the items from my cart to the revolving rubber surface for Gage to scan, I really had no concern for him. I was thinking only of me. I wanted to be left alone in my self-pity. Gage’s kind words roused me, revealing my joyless, self-centered state.
In recent years, I might have doubled down in self-effort, wearing myself out trying to slay each hindrance to my happiness. But I’ve learned from the challenging trials of the past few years that joy is not tied to life’s ups and downs.
God, in His severe mercy, is peeling away my vice grip on worldly happiness and redirected my heart towards Him. Through circumstances I would have never chosen, I’m realizing my total completeness is in Christ. I can’t count on anything to control my feelings of well-being and fulfill my deepest longings, but Him.
The interaction with Gage reminded me I’d lost sight of this life-changing truth during my day-to-day grind.
Recalibrating my Heart
Asking God to recalibrate my heart. I got alone and read Romans 15 from our church’s reading plan. These words opened my eyes to eternal things:
Each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, build him up. For even Christ did not please Himself; (Romans 15:2-3b CSB)
It struck me how Christ, as our example, didn’t come to please Himself. He demonstrated a sacrificial love throughout His time on earth, culminating in washing the disciples’ feet (even Peter and Judas) and dying a brutal death for us.
In contrast, I couldn’t take my eyes off of myself to live outwardly.
And I read:
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13 NASB)
What a blessing! As I draw near, I’m filled with ALL joy and peace, abounding in Hope, empowered by His indwelling Holy Spirit.
These words fill me with Hope. Even when the battles before my eyes drain me and cause me to lose sight, God is with me. No matter what I face, He is my peace, my joy and my lasting Hope.
God’s Loves Through People
Looking back on my interaction with Gage, I realize something I often miss. I’m not sure if Gage is a believer in Jesus Christ or not. If I’d had a better perspective, I might have asked. But what I’m struck with now is how often God brings us people to keep us aware of His love.
Chances are you’ve had a day like I just described. It might even be today. When this happens, get alone with God ASAP. Some days getting alone may be harder than others, but even a fifteen-minute break can be golden in God’s timing.
Be honest with how you feel. I highly recommend journaling. David did this, and his heart often changed while he was writing.
Grab hold of the truth God reveals and orient the rest of your day and the rest of your life (as possible) around His greater story. He’s about us becoming more like Jesus, not our comfort. [1]
Stay alert to the Lord’s presence and the gifts (like Gage) He might bring along the way. If you’re too concerned with you, you’ll easily miss God’s presence all around you.
Lord, gloominess and difficulties cause me to long for You all the more. When I seek You in my self-centered day, Your splendor explodes into brilliant peace, joy and hope within. Please keep me focused on You. I appreciate Gage waking me to this higher reality, whether he realized it or not. May I see every event in life as an opportunity to do the next right thing, to speak Your words and serve in Your strength. May I live life fully from You and for You; all for Your glory.
I love You Lord,
[1] Romans 8:28-29
Other posts in our series In the Moments:
Sorrowful, Yet Always Rejoicing
Exploring Grace and Joy together
Quiddity. It Could Change Your Life
Finding Joy in Love and Relationships
When I don’t Feel God’s Loving Kindness
Experiencing Completeness in Christ
Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures.
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Nonfiction books by the Author:
Because joy is rooted in God and is eternal, it doesn’t ebb and flow with the waves of circumstances. In fact, as we grow in our understanding of joy, we can even experience it more acutely when life is hard. Why? Because God uses trials to conform us into the image of Christ. With this awareness, which gives us glimpses of God’s greater purposes, we rejoice because of His masterful work to free us from needing anything but Him.
For these reasons, and many others, joy in the Lord is commanded in scripture. It’s not just a good idea, it’s vital to our journey as human beings. Rhythms of Joy
Novels by the Author:
What happens when a professor figures out how to send messages to his younger self to try and avoid the suicide of his best friend? Did he change more than he bargained for? Beyond Time
By finding two undelivered letters in an old shack deep in the woods, Cassie and Daniel unknowing set off a series of events which uncover a plot to wipe out a whole family Hope Remains
Please Check out the Cola City Podcast . Discussions that impact the vision of reaching every man, woman, and child in a city.