Tag Archives: gloomy

Smell the Gardenias

Jesus said to His disciples, “Come away by yourself to a lonely place and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31 NASB) I’m trying to build a daily habit of being alone, sitting and listening. Elijah heard the Lord in the sound of a gentle breeze.[1] The Lord is always speaking. I’m to watch and listen.

What you’re  about to read is truth, though I don’t always feel it.


The Lord is here. Right now. There’s sweetness in His nearness; full joy in His presence.[2] He brings gladness to my hearts more than any worldly bounty.[3] The Lord delights in me.[4] He rejoices over me. I make His heart glad. He exults over me with loud singing.[5] I delight in Him and His love for me.


NOW. Only at this present moment can a feel the wind in my face, smell the gardenias, sip my coffee and hear the fountain flowing. Only NOW can I see the vivid crimson cardinal fly in and perch, only feet away in a tree next to my chair on the deck. Only NOW are my senses active. NOW is a gift, a present. Sometimes I’m absent because my mind is elsewhere. When this happens, I miss out on so much.

As I go, I’m to watch and listen. God is always at work. I’m to present each person, each opportunity before His throne. May His will be done in every person’s life. May His Kingdom come in every situation.

Watch and listen. Follow Jesus. He did only what He saw His Father doing,[6] He desired only His Father’s will.[7]

Lead with Love

No matter how I feel, I’m to lead with love. Jesus said, “This is my command, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12 NASB) Sacrificial love. Considering the needs of others before my own.

Friends come by. They gladden my hearts. Their little daughter smiles. She smells a gardenia and marvels at the sweetness. But my friend cuts his finger. We’re not sure how bad. We scramble for a turnicid.

At urgent care. He’s okay. Five stitches.

The focus on loving our friend, gladdens my heart. Joy emerges when I take my eyes off of me.

Speaking of loving others, Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” (John 15:11 NASB)

 Lord, thank you for Your Word. Today I felt gloomy. Yet, you urged me on. You ushered me into Your truth despite how I felt. Thank you for loving me so much! I really can’t fathom  your delight in me. The fact that I make You glad blows my mind. Please teach me to delight on Your love for me. This alone should chases away the difficulties of this world. 

Thank you for the gift of your sweet presence. Teach me to always watch and listen. Thank you that our friend is okay.


[1] I Kings 19:12

[2] Psalm 16:11

[3] Psalm 4:7

[4] Psalm 149:4a

[5] Zephaniah 3:17

[6] John 5:19

[7] John 5:30

Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures.

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 Novels by the Author:

Beyond Time

Hope Remains

The Lord is Our Portion, Our Exceeding Joy, Even When Life Crumbles.

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore, I have hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:24 (New American Standard Bible NASB)

Lamentations is not typically a section of scripture you might think of turning to for encouragement. Jeremiah, who wrote it, was known as the ‘weeping prophet’. However, I found myself in chapter 3 on a night I needed encouragement to find my spiritual footing.

In a whirlwind of holiday activities, I’d lost the sense of God’s nearness. My heart had latched on to the temporal again and I needed to be reminded the Lord Himself is my Exceeding Joy (Psalm 43:4.)

The chapter starts off gloomy; with descriptions of affliction, darkness, broken bones, bitterness, hardship, forgotten happiness, and rejected peace.

But in verses 22-24, hope is reignited:

  • The Lord’s lovingkindness never ends
  •  His compassions never fail, they’re new every morning
  • His faithfulness is great

Then I read, “The Lord is my portion”, says my soul, “Therefore I have hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:24 (NASB)

In spite of how he was feeling, Jeremiah found an anchor for his soul. In being reminded God is His portion, Jeremiah found hope in Him?

But what does this really mean?

The Lord is Our Portion

Is the Lord as our portion like a piece of Thanksgiving pie?

Not at all.

God is never just a part. When we have Him, we have Him all. And in Him, we are complete, filled to the brim, fully satisfied.

In spite of what goes on around us and in us, The Lord Himself is our full part, our share, our award.

God said to Abram, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” Genesis 15:1 (NIV)

God, Our Very Great Reward. What else do we need? Even if we lose something very dear to us, we can be okay. We don’t lose hope. His nearness is our Good. (Psalm 73:28)

We always have our Pearl of Great Value, worthy of our all. (Matthew 13:45-46)

Challenge: What temporal trial has stolen your joy? What worldly condition must be good for you to be okay? Is there an area of your life which has crumpled? Like Jeremiah, do you feel darkness, affliction and desolation?

Through it all, the Lord is our Portion, our Possession, our Part. No matter what happens here, He remains. He is our All, whether we know it or not.  He wants our whole, surrendered hearts and He won’t relent until He has it. He doesn’t want us settling for happiness when we can have Him.

 Prayer: “God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart.
    Examine me through and through;
    find out everything that may be hidden within me.
    Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares.
 See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on,
    and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting ways—
    the path that brings me back to you.” Psalm 139:23-24 (TPT – The Passion Translation)