Tag Archives: Influence

Celebrate your Faith Goals with Joy, like Touchdowns.

When asked about some key ways Steve encouraged him, Keith, a co-worker answered: “Take quiet time alone to commune with God on a daily basis. Feel comfortable about speaking faithfully at work. You never know when you might plant a seed. Set individual faith goals and make them right sized. Bigger than a first down and smaller than winning the game. Make them like a touchdown and celebrate accomplishing your faith goal with joy.”  

I can’t believe my friend Steve has been gone six years now. It happened so suddenly. One morning, in January 2017, he never woke up. The news sent ripples through the faith community and at the corporate offices he’d recently retired from. We were all in shock. Fittingly, an enlarged heart contributed to his death.

A few days later, I was given the privilege of saying a few words at his life celebration. I asked the hundreds gathered for a show of hands for those who’d dined with Steve, and he’d insisted on picking up the bill. Over half the folks raised their hands.

Steve was that kind of person. If he felt like he could help you in any way towards becoming more the person God designed you to be, he’d go all out.

Even though, he was a few years younger than me, I considered him a mentor, especially in leadership and business. He had a keen mind and rose quickly in his career to the upper executive level in a large corporation. This is where I met him.

Steve excelled at work, but he never took his eye off the loftier aspects of God’s kingdom. He listened well, as he talked with you, praying for insight as to how he could add fuel to your passions and gifts.

Being careful to never cheat the company, he’d use breakfasts, lunches and breaks to meet with folks who seemed to have spiritual interests.  

He and I often met at Arby’s or Cracker Barrel near the office. During one of these meals, I first experienced his touchdown signal. I don’t remember the exact circumstance, but I’ll always remember my excitement when he suddenly raised his hands and yelled “touchdown” at my answer to one of his coaching questions.

When he saw folks moving in what he felt like was their “sweet spot” and making some significant advancement in their faith goals, this was a touchdown. And he wasn’t going to pass it by without joyously celebrating it with you.

The impact Steve had on me can’t be overstated and I know I speak for countless other folks who were blessed to know him.

Six Years Later

As a tribute to him, and to mark the sixth anniversary of his homecoming, I’d like to share, in no particular order, six ways Steve positively influenced my life. 

Savor and Enjoy Life

God was Steve’s highest joy. This was a belief which God developed over the course of his life, as he matured in his relationship with Jesus. Steve was always aware of how easy it is for idols to creep into our lives, but as time went on, and as his surrender deepened, his freedom in Christ grew. 

With God at the center of his affections, Steve lived life with gusto. He was a gifted photographer who loved capturing adventures on film, especially with his family.

He sought to be present and to savor life’s moments. When we ate together, he loved to slather whatever he ordered with a lot of sauce. I saw this as an example of the exuberance in which he lived, savoring moments. 

When he was in college, he and his racquetball partner played a joke on the rest of the competitors in a tournament. By naming their team “Bye”, they made it to the finals because teams assumed they weren’t playing and didn’t show up. He loved a good laugh.

Defer to Others

I watched Steve, time after time, live out the following two verses.

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men (Philippians 2:3-7).

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:34-35).

When you were with Steve, you could tell by the questions he’d ask, and the ways he invested in your life, that he really cared. His heart was to look for ways to love you by extending what God had entrusted to him to build you up.

Learn a Person’s Passions and Gifts

Steve was a master at asking probing questions. When he was with you, he listened intently to you and to God. Steve wanted to discover what he would call your “sweet spot”. He desired to be a catalyst for you in something which activated your passions and gifts. When he sensed your heart was coming alive about something, he would encourage you in it. In these cases, Steve partnered with you to add fuel to your flame. 

When he found out my daughter was performing some songs at a downtown venue, he and his bride Sharon, showed up to encourage her passion.

And, as mentioned before, when there was a victory in an area you were passionate about, he’d give the touchdown sign with joyful exuberance.

Maximize Your Influence by Investing in Leaders

Steve was a leader of leaders. Not that he wouldn’t invest in folks who didn’t seem to be leaders, but he took the command to seek God’s kingdom first seriously. [1] He figured his contribution to advancing God’s Kingdom would be maximized if he streamlined his investment toward proven leaders.

He was involved in several leadership development programs and made a huge impact among executive teams wherever we went.

From one of the executives at Steve’s workplace when asked for one of two ways Steve encouraged him in his faith, “Take quiet time alone to commune with God on a daily basis. Feel comfortable about speaking faithfully at work. You never know when you might plant a seed. Set individual faith goals and make them right sized. Bigger than a first down and smaller than winning the game. Make them like a touchdown and celebrate accomplishing your faith goal with joy.” KEITH

Require a Hoop

Occasionally, I’d ask Steve to help folks in my life, particularly with financial issues. He was great with finances and a spreadsheet master. 

Steve was always willing to help, but he would require action at the beginning of the process to be sure the person was serious. 

For example, if I requested financial coaching for a person, he would require them to provide a list of monthly income, expenses, and a savings/debt picture first.

He called this a “hoop” – a task for the recipient to accomplish prior to receiving help. Steve would wait for the hoop to be jumped through before proceeding. This way he knew the person was serious about getting help. This also gave him some starting data to work with.

Be Extraordinarily Generous

Steve’s generosity is what stands out most to me. He loved to give, especially when his giving would encourage you in your “sweet spot”.

As mentioned before, he was always listening for ways to invest in a person’s passions.  And he didn’t just give financially. He’d also give his time, skills, and possessions; whatever he could give to advance the kingdom or bring you joy.

He once drove across town to our house to photograph our family Christmas picture. 

Steve didn’t just give in ways which would have a wide impact. I was told he carried a glove box full of meal cards for folks he’d come across who were in need.

Living Out Your Faith in the Workplace

In his later years, Steve created an excellent video series on living out your faith in the workplace.

Check them out:

Living Out Your Faith in the Workplace


Lord, thank you so much for Steve’s life and for his friendship. You made him intelligent and generous. Thank you for using him in my life and in so many others.

Thank you for how he savored and enjoyed life.

Thank you for how he looked out for the interests of others. 

Thank you for how he studied others to determine their passions and gifts.

Thank you that you made him a leader of leaders who had tremendous impact on folks at the executive level.

Thank you also that he cared about ordinary folks and loved being a blessing.

Thank you that you gave him a generous heart and that he delighted in bringing joy to others.


A verse his son Jesse often heard him quote:  Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father (Colossians 3:15-17).  

[1] Matthew 6:33

Please Check out the new Cola City Podcast . Discussions that impact the vision of reaching every man, woman, and child in the Midlands of South Carolina.

Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures.

Subscribe below to get email notifications of new posts. We post a few times a month. Thank you for reading. 

 Novels by the Author:

Rob Buck

What happens when a professor figures out how to send messages to his younger self to try and avoid the suicide of his best friend? Did he change more than he bargained for?  Beyond Time

By finding two undelivered letters in a old shack deep in the woods, Cassie and Daniel unknowing set off a series of events which uncover a plot to wipe out a whole family Hope Remains


Impacting, but Leaving the Outcome to God

If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. (I Peter 4:11 NIV)

Growing up in the south in the 60s, before pro teams moved to Atlanta, Charlotte and Florida, there were no local teams to choose from. So, as a kid, I picked the New York Yankees, Boston Celtics and Baltimore Colts. A strange geographical mix, but I’ve remained faithfully loyal through lean years and championships.

During all those years, one of my heroes has been Bobby Richardson, second baseman for the Yankees from 1955 until 1966. Winner of three world championships, five gold gloves and eight All Star appearances, he is the only player in MLB history to win the World Series MVP for the losing team. But for all his heroics on the field Bobby is most known for his influence off the field.

This summer, some friends and I met Bobby[1] at a restaurant in his hometown of Sumter, South Carolina. We’d all read his book, Impact Player, and he was gracious enough to invite us to his favorite restaurant to discuss it. We wanted to pay for his lunch, but when we discovered the restaurant didn’t take credit cards, he picked up the tab. Awkward! Bobby then invited us back to his house to meet his wife and to see his baseball memorabilia.

Bobby, and his wife Betsy, made us instantly feel as if we were long-time, close friends. He graciously signed every book, baseball, baseball card and hat we brought. He took us back to his office where we held one of Babe Ruth’s bats, as well as the one he used to hit a grand slam in the 1960 world series.

Joe, who was there with me, said his face was hurting from smiling. I could relate. I was beaming like a nine year old kid.

Bobby told us many stories about his good friend Mickey Mantle. He had a huge impact on Mantle’s life, leading him to the Lord before he died of liver cancer in 1995.

Bobby’s life exudes the presence of Christ. He was asked to speak at nine funerals of men he played with, including Mantle’s.

Just like Bobby, I want to have a Christ-like impact on the people in my life. But to do so, I must lay aside my expected outcomes.

God recently showed me how some of my actions were more about making my life better than fighting for His greater purposes.

Struggling with how my actions weren’t producing the results I expected, I cried out to Him late one night. It was a tough time.

Through our wrestling, God showed me I need to trust Him with all the outcomes.

In His Spirit, I’m to do the next right thing, but the results are up to Him.

Though it was hard to realize how much I still thought things were up to me,  I’m experiencing a growing freedom. The more I trust God’s loving ways in all situations, the more my life is marked by carefree joy.

Lord, I’m so sorry for saying and doing things only for me. I ask you to guide my every word and deed. I want to make an impact for Your glory, not for my comfort. Thank you for showing me this and caring so much about me that You wouldn’t let me settle for smooth circumstances. Your lovingkindness and Your nearness is better than life.

[1] He insisted on us calling him Bobby and not Mr. Richardson

Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures. Subscribe below to get email notifications of new posts. We post once a week. Thank you for reading. 

Novels by the Author:

Beyond Time

Hope Remains

Our Affections Affect Us (Whether We Realize it or Not)


Jimmy looked at his watch again as he anxiously waited outside the director’s office. In a few moments he would find out who was going to be the manager of the new IT department. Did he get the job or did Kevin?  Becoming a manager was real important to him, not only because it would make him feel successful, but he desperately needed the extra money.  He’d maxed out his credit cards due to unexpected repairs and unwise financial choices.

“I’m sorry, Jimmy,” his director said. “We believe Kevin has demonstrated what we need for this position. Keep working hard and you can apply for future opportunities.”

The news crushed  Jimmy. His anger quickly escalated. “I think you’re making a mistake,” he barked. “Kevin….

Jimmy went on to untruly attack Kevin’s character, putting into jeopardy his own hope for future promotions.

Jimmy’s affection to appear successful and to have more money influenced him into making very poor choices.

Our English word ‘affection’ is derived from the Latin ‘afficere’, which means to influence. The definition of ‘affection’ is a fond feeling, a liking or caring about someone or something.

What We Value, Strongly Affects Our Choices

Take a look around you? Check your heart. What do you care about? Is it possessions, achievements, happiness, relationships? Chances are there’s a mixture.

We care about people, so we choose to be kind.

We want to be successful, so we work diligently.

We favor order over kayos, so we choose to maintain our possessions and to take care of important responsibilities.

These are positive examples, but like Jimmy, we can harm ourselves and others by valuing something too much.

Personally, I’ve cared way too much for smooth circumstances over the years. Looking back, I see how this affection, adversely affected my life and those around me. I sometimes choose to move quickly through difficult trials, denying their gravity. I wanted to get back to feeling ‘okay’.  However, what I didn’t realize was how this quick dismissal of hard circumstances left emotional pain unattended, both in me and in others.

One true Affection will Always Affect Our Lives in Positive Ways. 

What I’m realizing is that there is one true affection which will always affects our lives in positive ways. It can become the great filter for everything which passes through our lives.

Jesus told Martha that her sister, Mary, had chosen the one thing which was necessary.[1]

In Psalm 27, David asked one thing as a life’s request:  to dwell close to God, to behold his beauty and feast upon his nearness.[2]

One Thing – Loving and worshipping God.

Jesus confirmed this longing when he said,  “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.”  Matthew 22:37-38

In telling us this, Jesus gave us a primary affection to govern all lesser affections.

One Great, Primary Affection

Loving God with all our heart.

Our love for God begins deep within, from our hearts, ‘the spring of our life.’[3]  But any love we have for God must stem from His love for us. We love because he first love.[4]

Loving God with all our soul.

Our soul – our mind, will, and emotions. Our thoughts and feelings can deceive us. God’s great love for us can be hidden. We must choose the truth of what God says about us, over and above our feelings and our thoughts.

Loving God with all our might.

Loving God with all our might means more than just loving him with all  our strength. It means loving him with all we have at our disposal – “with everything we have available for honoring God — which includes our spouse, our children, our house or dorm room, our pets and wardrobe and tools and cell phones and movies and music and computers and time.” [5]

Loving God Overflows into What We Do

When Jesus added, “And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets,[6] we see the first influence of our affection for God.

If we love God, we will love people. And if we love people, all  lesser affections will play out in loving ways.


Kevin heard about Jimmy’s outburst in the director’s office. He felt really hurt. He considered Jimmy a friend.

Kevin crafted an e-mail to Jimmy defending himself and telling him how hurtful his words were. He read through it and changed it several times. However, he didn’t send it.

Kevin was trying to live his live through the filter of his affection for the Lord Jesus Christ. He wanted every word and action to reflect his love for God and his love for the people in his life.

He choose to not be offended by what Jimmy had done. He agonized with God about how hurt he was.

Later, Kevin was able to see Jimmy’s pain in not getting the job. He asked God to show him what loving Jimmy would look like.

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for clearly giving us a great affection which influences every part of our lives. Like Kevin, teach us to allow our choices to flow out of our love for you.

Please help us know your love for us. Destroy anything that blocks it. May we walk around completed surrendered to your extravagant love.

Please teach us how to love you with all our hearts, all our souls and all our might.


[1] Luke 10:41-42

[2] Psalm 27:4

[3] Proverbs 4:23

[4] I John 4:19

[5] Loving God with Your Everything  by Jason DeRouchie,  www.desiringgod.org/articles/love-god-with-your-everything

[6] Matthew 22:40