Tag Archives: trees

Discipleship Rhythms: In the Flow of God’s Spirit

Remaining in the Flow of God’s Spirit 

Ezekiel 47:  1Then he brought me back to the door of the house; and behold, water was flowing from under the threshold of the house toward the east, for the house faced east. And the water was flowing down from under, from the right side of the house, from south of the altar. 12 By the river on its bank, on one side and on the other, will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither and their fruit will not fail. They will bear every month because their water flows from the sanctuary, and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing (NASB).


A two-branch creek runs in front of and behind the barn in our back yard. During heavy rains, debris, mostly dead branches and leaves, but sometimes trash, impedes the flow of water.

These deterrents in the stream remind me of how my soul can get clogged up. So much of the world’s happenings can hamper my focus on Jesus. He tells us that, when we come to Him, Rivers of Living Water (His Holy Spirit) will flow from within us. [1] When I focus on the debris, and not Jesus, the source of the River, my life gets clogged up and I become stagnant. 

 Four years ago, a young friend asked me to help him remain in the flow of God’s Holy Spirit. I was somewhat taken aback that he would ask me, but I agreed to walk with him and share what I’ve learned about abiding. In the years since, we’ve both learned so much about staying in Jesus’ flow within us. It’s amazing how our relationships with God can exponentially deepen when we share our struggles and insights with another.

Following are a few principles we’re turning into life rhythms.

Abiding in the Flow

 Free the Debris

John Eldredge has produced a very useful tool called the One Minute Pause App. I’ve been using it to take vital steps toward remaining in the River of God. The app encourages us to free the debris in our souls by regularly giving everyone and everything to God.

This practice, called benevolent detachment, keeps the worldly distractions out of our hearts and gives us soul space.

This clearing out of the debris, which obscures the flow of God’s Spirit, refocuses our minds, will and emotions on Him and not the complexities and tragedies of life.

It’s amazing how regularly surrendering our wills, and trusting in God and His will, keeps our souls in peace and joy. Refocusing on God’s eternal purposes, above the fray of the day, keeps us hopeful, no matter what troubles we face.

Be Nourished by God’s Flowing River

Ezekiel, in the verses above, speaks of water flowing from the temple of God. He writes about many flourishing trees on both sides of the river. These waters bring nutrition to the trees as they provide fruit for food and leaves for healing.

This reminds me of what David wrote In Psalm 1. He compares men, who walk uprightly and delight themselves on God’s law, to be like trees planted by streams of water.  

As we delight in God, and walk in His ways, His Holy Spirit nourishes our souls like nothing else. We were designed for God’s River to flow freely though us, filling us with His joy and love. His flow satiates our soul to complete satisfaction. As we delight in Him, luscious fruit is produced, healthy green leaves flourish and eternal prosperity marks our lives.

Abiding in the river of the flow of God’s Spirit directs us into His design for our lives. As this happens, God more and more becomes our Joy and Delight, the Sustainer of our Souls.

Be a Blessing

Since, while traveling in the flow of God’s Rivers of Living Water, love, joy and kindness are produced, we become a natural blessing to others, even if we don’t realize it. When we’re in the flow, the people around us sense something different. It’s Jesus in us, though they may not realize it.

Blessing others is a matter of obeying the new command Jesus gave us the night before He was crucified. This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you (John 15:12 NASB).

These words summarizes all of Jesus’ commands.  As we follow it, the flow of God’s Spirit is super charged.

Jesus tells us that as we love others as He’s loved us, we will dwell in His love and our joy will be filled to overflowing.[2]

I’m not big into video games, but I remember the Pac-Man power up. In fact, the way Pac-man was super charged when it ate the power pellets, became the formula for power-ups across gaming to this day. When Pac-Man ate the power pellets, it was super charged to take on all foes.

But Pac-Man’s power was short lived. When we lay aside our own agendas and follow Jesus, by sacrificially loving others, our own love and joy are continually powered up because it’s not ours, it’s His River flowing through us.

Ours job is simply to ask Jesus, “Who do You want to love through me next?”

Practice the Rhythm

Begin now. Get alone with God and clear out the debris which clogs up the flow of His Spirit in your life. Gain soul space. Have a conversation with God and:

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you (I Peter 5:7 NIV).

 Throughout the day, be nourished by God Himself. Enjoy Him and thank Him for all He has created around you. Be vigilant in ensuring that He alone is your Highest Delight.

Be a blessing. Develop a “love first” look at the day. Rather than focusing on what needs to be done, see your duties as opportunities to bring you to the folks God wants you to love.


Lord, please keep me in the flow of the Living Waters of Your Indwelling Holy Spirit. You designed me to function at full capacity when I’m abiding in You. Show me quickly when the cares of this world have clogged Your flow. Please stop me when I try and do anything apart from You.

You alone are my Highest Joy. Please show me quickly if any idol supplants You in my heart. I want to love others as You’ve loved me, but I know this starts with my full knowledge of Your love for me. Show me quickly when I believe lies about Your love. Please direct me to disagree with all falsehoods and agree only with Your truth. I love You Lord. Amen.

[1] John 7:37-39

[2] John 15:11

Previous posts in our From Duty to Delight Series:

Discipleship Rhythms: From Duty to Delight

Discipleship Rhythms: Rules don’t Rule Us

Please Check out the new Cola City Podcast . Discussions that impact the vision of reaching every man, woman, and child.

Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures.

Subscribe below to get email notifications of new posts. We post a few times a month. Thank you for reading. 

 Novels by the Author:

Rob Buck

What happens when a professor figures out how to send messages to his younger self to try and avoid the suicide of his best friend? Did he change more than he bargained for?  Beyond Time

By finding two undelivered letters in a old shack deep in the woods, Cassie and Daniel unknowing set off a series of events which uncover a plot to wipe out a whole family Hope Remains

In the Moments(It is Finished)

As I write on Thursday afternoon of Holy week, there’s a cool spring breeze gently rocking the white azalea and dogwood blossoms at the end of our driveway. The powder blue, cloudless sky beautifully contrasts the tender tree buds, bursting alive from winter’s hold. Other than the sound of a wren chirping in the red tips to my right and the occasional gust of wind swaying the trees, the day is quiet. This seems fitting on this Maundy Thursday when the Lord Jesus celebrated the Passover feast with His disciples the night before He was crucified.

Our friends Jeremey and Karen, who have Messianic Jewish backgrounds, led us through a Seder feast a few days ago. It marked the beginning of the Jewish Passover holiday. Performed from a Christian perspective, the Seder gave a richer appreciation of how the deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery foreshadowed our deliverance from the power of the evil one by the death of Jesus the Messiah.

How intricately Sovereign God set His story of redemption in motion. How beautifully woven the details He employs to invoke our senses into the experience of His deliverance.

The Feast

We placed an eight-foot table for the ten adults in our living room. The adjacent breakfast room table was designated as the kid’s table. There were nine children ranging from a few months to thirteen years old. Though having so many kids added a bit of noise and confusion, hearing their questions and watching them take it all in was a highlight of the evening.

After all, telling of the Passover story was meant as a reminder of God’s faithfulness throughout the generations. God commanded the Jewish people to celebrate the Lord’s Passover.[1] And the Lord Jesus gave us the Lord’s supper to commemorate His fulfillment of the Passover sacrifice forever. My wife and I were pleased that among the celebrants were two of our children and three of our grandchildren.

A Seder plate, presented to Karen on her thirteenth birthday, was used to serve the elements of the Passover story. It had pictures of the different plagues inflicted upon the Egyptians leading up to the night of Passover, the slaying of the their first born.

Among the items on our plate were:

Parsley – New Growth, also used as the hyssop for painting blood (juice) on the door posts (fashioned in Matzah bread).

Dandelion – Bitter Herbs, bitterness of sin, of slavery and the cup Jesus drank for us.[2]

 Charoset (paste of fruit and nuts) – Hope/Sweetness, mortar for the bricks in Egypt, Hope for us because of Christ’s victory in the midst of sin.

Lamb (small lamb bone) – Purity, lamb without blemish, Jesus the Lamb of God.

Matzah (unleavened bread, striped with puncture holes) – Without sin, baked quickly as they left in haste, Jesus’ body, pierced and striped.  

Salt Water – Tears of Israel under slavery.

My son in law thought what was on the platter was all we’d have to eat for the evening. With gusto he painted the juice on the Matzah with the parsley and munched the bread. He cut his hunger with dandelion “sandwiches”.  It delighted him when, after the Seder, we brought out roasted lamb, potatoes, green-beans and salad.


After our meal, we celebrated the Lord’s supper. Our celebration of the Jewish Passover we had just experienced brought new richness to the sacrament Jesus gave us.

As a gift for the evening, we gave each family a wooden dove in scripted with “Shalom.”

I’ve always thought the word meant “peace,” but I’m learning it’s deeper meaning. “Shalom” is be in a state of complete satisfaction, to be finished, to be perfected.

On the cross, when Jesus said, It is finished,[3] our complete peace was purchased. His life completed our forgiveness, our value, and our eternal right standing with God. Though our lives may contain sickness, pain, and brokenness, the peace Jesus died for does not change. Ever.

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful (John 14:27 NASB).


Dear Lord, I’m appreciating more than ever the significance of Your redemption story. Ranging from Your words to the serpent in the garden, through the deliverance of your people from slavery, to the giving up of your Son on our behalf, You have desired to redeem us from the power of sin. You’ve provided a way for us to be able to commune with You forever. We are complete in You. You have given us a deep peace which can not be altered by anything in the world. The “peace” of  “Shalom” flows from our completeness in You. It is finished!

[1] Leviticus 23

[2] Exodus 12, Leviticus 23

[3] John 19:30

Other posts in our series In The Moments:

As Sea Gulls Fly

The Gift of Presence

Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures.

Subscribe below to get email notifications of new posts. We post a few times a month. Thank you for reading. 

Novels by the Author:

What happens when a professor figures out how to send messages to his younger self to try and avoid the suicide of his best friend? Did he change more than he bargained for?  Beyond Time

By finding two undelivered letters in a old shack deep in the woods, Cassie and Daniel unknowing set off a series of events which uncover a plot to wipe out a whole family. Hope Remains

In the Moments(The Gift of Presence)

Enjoying the sun warming my face as I sit beside our waterfall on a prespring morning. The trees are awaiting the summons to explode into their canopy of multiple shades of green. As I take my last sip of coffee, the sunlight sparkles across the stream as the water cascades down the rocks into the turquoise pool below.

Two windchimes catch the breeze as it passes through the porch overhang and trade melodic peels. A wren rejoices in the new day splendor. A butterfly flutters past and lands among the yellow daffodils surrounding the garden fountain.

Our rooster crows, impatient to lead the hens out to scratch and peck. An anticipating young hawk squawks as it circles the barnyard. The coolness of the morning wind, carrying a hint of fragrant tea olive, refreshes my face.

The last twelve months have been strange. Sports were shut down. Politics and news became unbearable. Less distractions can breed moments as I describe above, intentionally savoring the details of our lives. But these moments don’t come easy for me. It’s a constant battle.  Life flies by at alarming speed. A quiet, internal voice whispers, “Slow down.”    

God has given us five sense to bring awareness of His creation around us.  These senses are available now, not yesterday, not tomorrow,  but now.

What are some of your favorites?

For me:

Sight:  Sunset or sunrise over water or mountains

Sound:  Water rushing past rocks in a mountain stream

Smell:  Tea olive, gardenias

Touch:  Sea breeze, fall wind in my face, soft sheets

Taste:  Chocolate pie, dark coffee

When we savor now, we’re enjoying what God has given us. A lady on a plane once told me that’s why now is called the present. It’s a gift.

There’s a movie entitled Our Town which drives home this point.

Emily, one of the characters, dies while giving birth to a child. However, she is permitted by the stage manager to revisit the past and to step back into the morning of her twelfth birthday as an observer.

From her vantage point, she has a nostalgic appreciation of the transient beauty of life’s little moments. However, she’s struck by how the people, including her younger self, don’t have a clue how precious the moments really are. She is stunned that nobody savors and fully appreciates now.

Emily saw everyone as so disengaged. She would later ask the stage manager, “Do human beings ever realize life while they live it?”

Emily’s questions is profoundly convicting. How many moments have I missed by regretting the past or worrying about the future? How many opportunities have I missed with the ones I love? Do I lean in and truly listen? Or am I more concerned with what I’ll say in response? Am I really with others or am I half engaged, pondering a pressing duty?

Even in my morning times with God? Have I already allowed the awaiting responsibilities to distract me? Have I forgotten that God, the Creator of the universe, wants to be with me and enjoys my fellowship? 

The Lord your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy, (Zephaniah 3:17 NASB)  

Have I forgotten there is no place for worry?

“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”[1] Jesus

And as I go into the day, do I forget to  “abide” in Jesus the Vine of Life,  to “tarry,” to “stay present with” Him?

Staying present with Jesus is essential to my day. Otherwise, He tells me my efforts are worth nothing. [2] How exhausting and deflating is that?

Challenge:  Take notice of what you see and hear right this moment. Do you smell anything? Perhaps you’re drinking a cup of coffee and feel a gentle breeze upon your face.

What tends to call you away from being fully present? Is it a looming duty, a past regret, worrying about the future? Whatever it is it robs you of fully embracing the gift of now. Give these things to God and don’t take them back.

The people in our lives are loved and cared for during life’s present moments. In an instant, now become a memory. When we savor our times, with the people God places in our paths, there’s a richness which touches our hearts and slows the swirl of life.

But what’s most important is being present with God. We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit of Jesus. God is in us and around us. We are in Him and He is in us. We are never alone. He’s always ready to enjoy the moment with us.

In Your presence is fullness of joy. (Psalm 16:11b NASB)

[1] Matthew 6:34

[2] John 15:5

Other posts in our series In The Moments:

As Sea Gulls Fly

Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures.

Subscribe below to get email notifications of new posts. We post a few times a month. Thank you for reading. 

Novels by the Author:

What happens when a professor figures out how to send messages to his younger self to try and avoid the suicide of his best friend? Did he change more than he bargained for?  Beyond Time

By finding two undelivered letters in a old shack deep in the woods, Cassie and Daniel unknowing set off a series of events which uncover a plot to wipe out a whole family. Hope Remains