Tag Archives: good news

Fighting Discouragement

Been fighting discouragement all day, a general oppressive mood. I’m a IT instructor, so I can’t check my mind at the door and fully deal with how I’m feeling, I have to keep going. However, I’m learning to acknowledge my feelings and not just stuff them. This process is new for me and I’m not always sure how to proceed. However, it’s adding richness to my life and helping me understand who I really am.

Digging deeper, I recognize my disheartened mood stems from sadness. People I love are  hurting. Their pain grieves me.

“Lord, is there anything I can do?”

I feel helpless to help.

The day moves on. No one knows my sadness. Outwardly, I lay out the material and field the questions. I care about my students. So, this keeps me engaged.

The day comes to an end. On the drive home,  I begin to tend to my feelings. I realize this discouragement is an attack upon my heart, the well spring of my life.

I remember the French word for heart is “cour,” yielding our word “courage”. This dis-couragement I’m feeling threatens my courage.

I decide to preach good news to myself:

These present circumstances are not worthy to be compared to the glories which await me in Christ Jesus.[1]

Jesus loves me as much as God the Father loves Him.[2]

My Lord is  God of all comfort, who sooths my heart with His nearness.[3]

Jesus Christ indwells me by His Holy Spirit.  Mine is to depend upon Him for every word and deed. [4]

In spite of these circumstances, I can experience full joy in God’s presence.[5]

This sadness can be considered a good thing, if it draws me into deeper dependence upon Christ. [6]

Bringing these feelings to God, and trusting Him in them, purifies my soul and leads to joy unspeakable and full of glory.[7]

I died and Christ is now my life. My affections are on Him and His desires.   [8]

My goodness is not dependent on how things are going or how I feel. God’s nearness is my good.[9]

Truth stirs my heart. Courage wells up. God’s life within begins to relieve my pain.

Prayer:  Wow.   Lord, you are transforming my heart by the sweetness of your truth. Your words are honey to my soul. My circumstances have not changed, but you have given me renewed vigor. You have filled my soul with gladness, more than when their grain and new wine abound. I praise you my Father, my King.


[1] Romans 8:18

[2] John 15:9

[3] 2 Corinthians 1:3-5

[4] Galatians 2:20

[5] Psalm 16:11

[6] James 1:2-4

[7] I Peter 1:6-9

[8] Colossians 3:1-4

[9] Psalm 73:28