Tag Archives: love

In the Moments(As Sea Gulls Fly)

Martha had enough. Her sister Mary did it again, left her to do all the work while she just sat there. Martha was distracted by all the preparations. And though the very source of Joy was with her, she was focused on what she had to do.

Sound familiar?

“But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42

But how can life really be about one thing? Without Martha, no food would have been served.

On a slow morning, sitting on a dock facing the intracoastal waterway in Wilmington, NC, I’m once again pondering how to rest as Mary did without neglecting my responsibilities.

The mid-morning sun warms the steady breeze as it whips across my face. I look across the gray blue waterway and see white caps ushering the tide to my right. The rhythmic waves lap upon the shore only interrupted by the rubbing of the floating docks along the pile driven wooden poles and the distant sound of a dog’s bark.

I have sought my own answers to this quandary for years, but this morning it all seems clear. No profound answers are given, only His strong hand outstretched; inviting me to give Him my cares. He’s much more concerned about us being together than what I’ll accomplish. Together, He will show me how to live a Mary life in a Martha world.

My worries are safely sealed, waiting for His commands to be revealed.

Two light yellow butterflies dart across the rolling tide. Above the water flow, there is a lime green strip of land below a line of emerald trees, couching white, multi-storied buildings in the distance. Above the tree line, a cloudless sky rises in deeper shades of pastel blue towards the heavens.

Wow! Is this joy, this trusting, this resting, this enjoying His presence? Is this abiding? Is this what Jesus means when He tells me to remain in His love?

A convergence. Totally unplanned. Unscripted. A gift.

A sea gull effortlessly glides above me. Out stretched wings riding on unseen strength. Lord, is this like us resting in Your strength as we journey? Positioning in the wind of Your presence, relying on You to empower and guide.

So, what now? I could regret millions of distracted moments in my past when I labored without a thought of His nearness. Flapping against the wind.

But I won’t.

I ‘ll go forth with a deeper understanding of what Jesus means when he tells me not to worry, but to seek His Will, His Kingdom, His supremacy in my life.

All that other stuff, the things I seem to focus on, what I’ll eat and what I’ll wear and what I’ll drink – He’s got that. He and I  have more important things to do, like resting in His presence enjoying our time together.

And by the way, when I am doing that (Enjoying moments of life with Him) I will naturally love the people I meet along the way. When, like Mary, I’m in tune with my Lord’s nearness, when I’m yielding to His Indwelling Spirit, His love flows through me to others. My number one concern now is to love others as He has loved me. This  starts with resting in His love.

Jesus said, “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.”

“Love is the overflow of joy in God that gladly meets the needs of others.”  John Piper

Trusting, Resting, Enjoying, Loving


Lord, truly these moments cannot be scripted. However, like the sea gull, I can spread the wings of my life out to You. I can trust that as I rest in your Indwelling presence, You will carry me. You in me will accomplish what needs to be done. You in me will love those who need to be loved. You in me will guide along this path of life until you receive me into Your glory. May I always have my wings ready to catch the wind of Your Holy Spirit and glide where You want me to go. Amen.

“Nevertheless I am continually with You. You have taken hold of my right hand. With Your counsel You will guide me, And afterwards receive me to glory.” Asaph from Psalm 73:23-24

Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures.

Subscribe below to get email notifications of new posts. We post a few times a month. Thank you for reading. 

 Novels by the Author:

Rob Buck

What happens when a professor figures out how to send messages to his younger self to try and avoid the suicide of his best friend? Did he change more than he bargained for?  Beyond Time

By finding two undelivered letters in a old shack deep in the woods, Cassie and Daniel unknowing set off a series of events which uncover a plot to wipe out a whole family Hope Remains

Smell the Gardenias

Jesus said to His disciples, “Come away by yourself to a lonely place and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31 NASB) I’m trying to build a daily habit of being alone, sitting and listening. Elijah heard the Lord in the sound of a gentle breeze.[1] The Lord is always speaking. I’m to watch and listen.

What you’re  about to read is truth, though I don’t always feel it.


The Lord is here. Right now. There’s sweetness in His nearness; full joy in His presence.[2] He brings gladness to my hearts more than any worldly bounty.[3] The Lord delights in me.[4] He rejoices over me. I make His heart glad. He exults over me with loud singing.[5] I delight in Him and His love for me.


NOW. Only at this present moment can a feel the wind in my face, smell the gardenias, sip my coffee and hear the fountain flowing. Only NOW can I see the vivid crimson cardinal fly in and perch, only feet away in a tree next to my chair on the deck. Only NOW are my senses active. NOW is a gift, a present. Sometimes I’m absent because my mind is elsewhere. When this happens, I miss out on so much.

As I go, I’m to watch and listen. God is always at work. I’m to present each person, each opportunity before His throne. May His will be done in every person’s life. May His Kingdom come in every situation.

Watch and listen. Follow Jesus. He did only what He saw His Father doing,[6] He desired only His Father’s will.[7]

Lead with Love

No matter how I feel, I’m to lead with love. Jesus said, “This is my command, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12 NASB) Sacrificial love. Considering the needs of others before my own.

Friends come by. They gladden my hearts. Their little daughter smiles. She smells a gardenia and marvels at the sweetness. But my friend cuts his finger. We’re not sure how bad. We scramble for a turnicid.

At urgent care. He’s okay. Five stitches.

The focus on loving our friend, gladdens my heart. Joy emerges when I take my eyes off of me.

Speaking of loving others, Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” (John 15:11 NASB)

 Lord, thank you for Your Word. Today I felt gloomy. Yet, you urged me on. You ushered me into Your truth despite how I felt. Thank you for loving me so much! I really can’t fathom  your delight in me. The fact that I make You glad blows my mind. Please teach me to delight on Your love for me. This alone should chases away the difficulties of this world. 

Thank you for the gift of your sweet presence. Teach me to always watch and listen. Thank you that our friend is okay.


[1] I Kings 19:12

[2] Psalm 16:11

[3] Psalm 4:7

[4] Psalm 149:4a

[5] Zephaniah 3:17

[6] John 5:19

[7] John 5:30

Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures.

Subscribe below to get email notifications of new posts. We post a few times a month. Thank you for reading. 

 Novels by the Author:

Beyond Time

Hope Remains

Repurposed. Exposing the Fragility of “normal” Agendas.

A friend ended his job last year, but he didn’t retire. He called it repurposing. Being an extremely successful executive, he’s shifted his experiences and resources to helping the homeless. This current pandemic has disrupted daily routines and shaken our purposes. One man exclaimed, “No sports! What am supposed to do now?” Many have been forced to shift from the well-worn paths of familiar agendas. But while lesser purposes are crumbling an unshakable all satisfying purpose emerges.

Hours before Jesus would be crucified on our behalf, He said: This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.[1]

He demonstrated this uncommon love earlier when he washed the disciples’ feet. Completely secure in His Father’s love, Jesus needed no affirmation from men. This allowed Him to feely wash Peter and Juda’s feet, whom He knew would soon deny and betray Him.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are loved in this same complete way. He’s inviting us to settle in and remain in His great love: “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” [2]

As we prepare to love like Jesus, we must start with resting in and feasting upon His love for us. “We love, because He first loved us.” [3]

A dear lady took this opportunity to write notes to older folks in our church. She included a verse (Psalm 34:4)  and comforting words of encouragement. God gave her the words to write. She offered her time and pen.

After she mailed them, folks began to contact her, sometimes in tears. Joy reigned. A friendship began.

Gladness continues to fill her heart, even though she had to be tested for the virus herself a few days later.

Her having such joy in loving others makes perfect sense. See what Jesus said about us to sacrificially love others: These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” [4]

What if loving others is what life is really all about? What if we get a clearer vision of this greater purpose in these dire days? What if loving becomes our main daily agenda? What if “normal” activities are not the main thing, but the opportunity to bring us folks to love? What if we now understand we can have complete joy in spite of any circumstance?

God can and is using this virus for good in folk’s lives. Perhaps what seems like repurposing is really just leading us to our main purpose all along – knowing God’s love and giving it away?

Lord, the path ahead is unclear, yet You’re near. Even in uncertain times, You comfort, You guide, You gladden our hearts. Thank you for the joy I’m experiencing because of my union with You. Who do you want to love through me today?

[1] John 15:12 NASB

[2] John 15 9 NIV

[3] I John 4:19

[4] John 15:11 NASB

Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures. Subscribe below to get email notifications of new posts. We post a few times a month. Thank you for reading. 

 Novels by the Author:

Beyond Time

Hope Remains

Are You More Like Batman or Spider-man?

In his book, Union with Christ, Rankin Wilborne asks us to consider two superheroes. Batman, a rich, strong man with “lots of cool gadgets” [1] and Spider-man, a superhero because of a bite from a radioactive spider. The encounter with the spider changed Peter Parker from within. He became Spider-man. Batman had to rely on his own abilities and possessions.

Who are you most like?

If you’re a believer in Jesus Christ, you’ve become a new man. Jesus Christ now lives within you. You’ve been changed from within.

Jesus told His disciples, “And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever.” (John 14:16 NASB)

Paul confirms that the Holy Spirit of Jesus now lives inside of believers, fundamentally changing who we are. In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, (Ephesians 1:13 NASB)

Spider Powers

Like Spider-man, we’ve been changed, but what are our spider powers? Although it would be fun, it’s not squirting webs to buildings and swinging through the air.

Consider the following powers: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23 NASB)

These powers include a quality of love which is sacrificial beyond reason, joy and peace which transcend every circumstance, kindness and goodness which puts others first and looks past every offence, faithfulness and gentleness which becomes for others a soothing balm in all infirmities, and control to walk in these inner powers no matter how we’re feeling.

What Joy we’d experience if these powers of Christ continually flowed from within us.

But too often we forget about the powers within. We might ask God to give us patience and self-control, but that’s just asking God to change us.

He wants so much more. He wants to be our love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control from the inside out.

There’s a real difference between asking God to help me and relying on His Spirit within to empower me.

Real Life Example

My dad struggled with alcoholism for decades. It cost him his marriage and almost his life. But things changed. He ended up not drinking the last fifteen years of his life.

One day I asked him how he did it. “I tried everything,” he said. “AA and countless programs, but nothing worked. I’d been asking God to help me quit, but it just wasn’t working. Finally, I said, ‘God you have to do it, I can’t.”

After praying this prayer, he cut the grass and opened a beer. He said it tasted awful. He spit it out, poured out the beer and never had another drop. My dad learned to depend upon the power of God to deliver him when nothing else did.


Lord, Your Spirit has changed me forever. Please forgive me for living on my own. You tell me that apart from You, I can do nothing.[2] I’m tired of wearing myself out in my own strength accomplishing nothing. Trying to live without you is like Spider-man not using his powers is. Never again I pray. Please teach me how to live every moment of every day in the Living Waters of Your Spirit within. Stop me quickly when I do life without You and teach me how to utterly depend on You. Have Your way with me I pray. Amen

[1] Union with Christ, Rankin Wilborne, David Cook, p. 52-53

[2] John 15:5

Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures.

Subscribe below to get email notifications of new posts. We post a few times a month. Thank you for reading. 

Novels by the Author:

What happens when a professor figures out how to send messages to his younger self to try and avoid the suicide of his best friend? Did he change more than he bargained for?  Beyond Time

By finding two undelivered letters in a old shack deep in the woods, Cassie and Daniel unknowing set off a series of events which uncover a plot to wipe out a whole family. Hope Remains

Completely Loved – Hot Fudge Sundae With or Without Sprinkles

As the Father has loved Me, I have loved you; now remain in My love (John 15:9)

As the Father loves Jesus, He loves us. Pause and allow the astonishing realities of this truth to have full access to your heart. Love is a human need. It’s fundamentally wired into the fabricate of our hearts. We’re designed to be loved and to love, starting with Christ’s love for us.[1] God’s love is bedrock. If we don’t know it, we’ll try and get it from those we’re supposed to be loving. Jesus’ trademark command depends on us receiving His love and giving it away. “This is my commandment that you love one another, just as I have loved you.”[2] There’s a joyous freedom in loving others only for their sake, but it starts with knowing, remaining in and walking in the complete love of Christ.

Paul tells us we’re complete in Christ.[3] The Greek word he used for ‘complete’ means filled to the brim, fully satisfied. We’re satiated in a love which fully validates us; an eternal love which is wider, longer, higher and deeper than our minds can grasp.[4] Christ has filled our love cup to overflowing.

I know these words are true, but I struggle. When I’m treated well, it’s easy to attach my ‘heart strings’ to human love. When people are unkind and hurtful, I forget Christ’s love  and feel rejected.

Just returning from a sunset walk on the beach capping off an incredible family trip. We rented a house on Tybee Island where we enjoyed seafood, board games, ping pong, golf carts and sitting in chairs at the ocean’s edge.  In the midst of God’s provision and creation, we experienced love in a myriad of unselfish acts of kindness towards each other. Our hearts stayed warmed and I can’t stop smiling.

But these human expressions of love are not always the case. I’ve also experienced unkind words and actions which felt like heart shrapnel, carefully aimed for maximum pain.

Life can be filled with extreme ranges of human love and hate. If we don’t fully comprehend God’s complete love for us and seek our core feelings of love from people, we’re in for an emotional roller coaster of fleeting highs and deep pain. We simply can not be fulfilled by human love.

For a moment, consider the complete love of Christ being like eating your fill of hot fudge sundaes – rich ice cream, topped with dark chocolate, real whipped cream and a cherry. Like the succulence sundaes satisfy our appetite, God’s love satiates our hearts. Nothing more is needed. We’re filled to the brim with love.

In this analogy, human love would be like sprinkles on the Sundae. They’re nice. They add to the flavor and experience, but we’re still fully satisfied without them. Sprinkles by themselves are sweet, but hardly filling.

If a person treats us unlovingly, we’re still okay. They’re just sprinkles. We don’t need their love to complete us.

Lord, I’m beginning to wrap my heart around what your eternal love means. Please continue to show me. I like experiencing love from those around me, but your love completes me . In the fulness of your love, I rest. Teach me how to love others as you’ve loved me.

[1] I John 4:19

[2] John 15:12

[3] Colossians 2:10

[4] Ephesians 3:17-20

Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures. Subscribe below to get email notifications of new posts. We post a few times a month. Thank you for reading. 

 Novels by the Author:

Beyond Time

Hope Remains

Hidden with Christ in God

For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3 NASB)

On a long weekend away at one of our favorite places, Wrightsville Beach, NC. It’s not only because of the turquoise surf and pristine sand, but also for how private and secluded it feels. When the kids were growing up, we enjoyed many summer weeks with their cousins at my brother in law’s beach house on the south end of the island. Today we’re at Shell Island Resort, close to where Mason Inlet, fed by the currents of the Atlantic Ocean, forms a sandy semi-circle at the northern end.

I read that I died and my life is hidden with Christ in God. I want to understand what this means. The thought of being hidden with Christ in God is extremely comforting. Hidden in His righteousness, His peace, His protection, His joy. I want to walk around clothed with Christ, fully understanding my spiritual death[1] and union with Him in every aspect of life. This makes me feel glad.

Lord, please show me more.

As a kid, my siblings, cousins and I would make up games around thick hedges we called the enchanted forest. Nestled on either side of our grandparent’s side porch, below towering circular white columns, were nicely groomed holly bushes with red berries. Whether we were playing hide and go seek or fleeing an approaching giant, we would slip in between them into an open area, completely hidden from view. Lost in our imaginations, we were safe and protected from any outside harm.

Hidden with Christ in God.

The verses before read:

Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth (Colossians 3:1-2).

In order to walk out being hidden with Christ in God, I need to keep seeking (require, aim at, strive for) the truths of eternity. I live in time and space, but God isn’t bound by time. Right now, I’m spiritually positioned with Christ in God. Paul is telling me that if I want the peace, joy and security of being completely surrounded by Jesus, I must orient my life around the eternal, unchangeable spiritual fact that I died and Christ is now my life.

Outside of the enchanted forest, life can be brutal. People I love are deeply hurting. There’s critical illness. Relationships are strained. Marriages are splintering. But in the midst, God is asking me to rest in His nearness and trust His process. He tells me how my story ends: When Christ who is your life appears, then you will appear with Him in glory.[2]

Lord, I read these truths and believe them. I want to always keep an eternal mindset, rejoicing in Your continual nearness, even during very hard times. As I look out at the spread of Your ocean before me, I remember Your love for me is beyond knowledge – wider, deeper, longer and higher than the expanse of water and sky before me.  Please show me how to keep this very real eternal orientation even in the midst of sadness and loss.

Just walked to the end of the island and dipped our feet in Mason Inlet. By the pool now enjoying the breeze before a late lunch. A black bird keeps returning to the ladder to drink and bathe. I catch a whiff of a white lantana beside the lounge chair. The rhythmic sound of the ocean surf sooths my soul. God has created so many things for me to enjoy, all reminders of His presence and love for me.

If I’m to understand what it means to walk around, hidden in a Jesus hug, I need to come to full terms with my spiritual death. Paul tells us Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.[3]

Knowing and reckoning my spiritual death, truly frees me from much of life’s angsts. For example, if I died:

  • Can I be offended?
  • Can I seek after my own glory?
  • Can I push my own agenda?
  • Can I insert myself into situations I haven’t been invited?
  • Do I need to worry about fighting for my own satisfaction and joy?
  • Do I need to do anything to try and earn love from God or any person?
  • Is there any situation which comes up which is a surprise to God or is too hard for Him to handle?

Wow! Lord, I see it now. Knowing I died, must come before walking in the safety of Your embracing presence. When self rises up, in any flavor, it’s a direct pull against the abiding life You want me to live. Thank You for opening up to me the freedom of not having to worry about me anymore. For I died and my life is now hidden with You and in You. I walk out of the enchanted forest holding onto truths I do not see, but believe with all my heart. I need You. Please help me to keep me believing and trusting as I face the storms ahead. Amen.

Novels by the Author:

Beyond Time

Hope Remains

[1] Romans 6:4-11

[2] Colossians 4:4

[3] Romans 6:11

Keep Celebrating the Love of Easter

We celebrated Easter a couple of days ago. However, Eastern Christianity celebrates Easter next Sunday.[1] So, this might be considered a true Easter week. Not that we need special dates to ponder the central event of the Gospel, but Easter came and went too quickly for me this year. I’m still pondering the stunning discoveries of God’s great love for us poured out on the cross. Deeper dimensions continue to unfold and I don’t want to move on.

Even the most stable human love pales in comparison to God’s great love for us. And when relationships cause unthinkable emotional pain, there’s an invitation to drink deeply of His delight in us. What we discover can set us free from the trappings of offense and allow us to love sacrificially as He’s loved us.

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8 NASB)

The Passion of Christ

Good Friday is also referred to as the “passion of Christ”. Passion is a strange word to describe the murder of Christ, but it fits the Latin origin “passio,” which means enduring suffering. The modern application of the word “passion,” an intense desire, appears disconnected from the original meaning. But the connection has to do with the intensity and endurance of the desire. The root word, “patio” expresses the idea of being moved to action where there is pain and suffering.

Jesus was moved to action in the midst of unimaginable pain. His desire was to endure suffering for our sakes, even though He could have chosen otherwise.

Or do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? (Matthew 26:53 NASB)

Jesus’ intense desire was for us, motivating Him to endure indescribable pain.

Excruciating Pain

To understand Jesus’ suffering for us, consider the Romans used iron nails up to seven inches long driven into the victim’s wrist and ankles to fasten him to the wood.

The nails pounded through the wrists would have crushed the median nerve, the largest nerve going to the hand, causing indescribable pain. “The pain was absolutely unbearable,” says Dr. Metherell. “In fact, it was literally beyond words to describe; they had to invent a new word: excruciating. Literally, excruciating means ‘out of the cross.’”[2]

Nails driven through the ankles would have produced similar pain. And there was the unmerciful beatings and flesh flying scourging leading up to the cross.

There was no existing word to describe the suffering Jesus Christ was willing to endure on our behalf. His passion for us was excruciating.

The Lord was Pleased to Crush Him

But the Lord was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief; If He would render Himself as a guilt offering (Isaiah 53 10:b NASB)

This speaks again of God’s great desire to purchase our eternal fellowship with Him.

Pleased to crush Him. These words really have no place to land in my heart. How could God be pleased to have His Son crushed and broken for any reason? Could we agree to this for any of our children for any reason? Of course not. Yet, he wished this for His Son on our behalf.

For the Joy Set Before Him

let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:1b-2 NASB).

What was the joy set before Jesus which motivated His endurance of the Cross?

As I ponder the question, I know the answer. Rescuing us from eternal separation was the joy set before Jesus. We bring Jesus joy; so much joy it motivated Him to endure the unthinkable.

The Lord your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy (Zephaniah 3:17).

The Lord actually delights to be with us. We cause Him to rejoice and shout for joy. Don’t read quickly past this. Allow it to sink past all the pains of human hurts and anchor your soul.

It bring the Lord joy just being with you.

God’s Delight in Us

So Jesus’ intense passion for us motivated Him to endure excruciating pain to rescue us. Seeing His eternal fellowship with us gave Him joy which fueled His passion and endurance. God’s delight in us is so great He was pleased to have His son crushed on our behalf. Being with us brings God joy.


Lord, thank you for the many love messages we find in Easter. Your love swallows up all the pain of human offences. In light of your great delight in us, hurtful human actions are as grains of sand at the bottom of Your ocean of love.

When your love is hidden from me, please destroy all fortresses and strongholds which raise themselves up in an attempt to hide you.[3] You are love.

I’m only beginning to grasp the far reaching extent of Your delight in me. Please keep showing me that Your love may flow through me.

I rejoice in You this moment. May my life be a constant praise to You. Amen.


[1] Eastern Christianity uses the Julian calendar instead of the Gregorian. For this reason, Easter sometimes falls on a different date. This is the case in 2019.

[2] https://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/bible-questions…/what-is-the-lords-passion

[3] II Corinthians 10:3-5


Novels by the Author:

Beyond Time

Hope Remains

Good Friday – The Story of Us

A young man squatted in a dingy prison cell. His features were hidden by the deep shadows of his dark imprisonment. Only a thin plane of sunlight penetrated the darkness, revealing countless dust particles floating around rows of disheartened men. The man was seated, away from the light, staring, motionless, into the darkness.

Outside the prison, upon a hill, stood the place of execution, where condemned men were put to death. Today would be this man’s turn. In a way, death was a welcome ending to his pain. However, more strongly, the condemned man felt the fear of death’s mysteries. His soul, it seems, had died long ago, but the fear of physical death consumed every fiber of his being.

As he waited in the cruel anticipation of a violent death, his mind raced across the span of his life. What would have made a difference? What could have changed his inclinations towards evil? The answers to these questions could only be tossed out into his universe of despair. Like always, he knew no answers would come. There was no hope, never had there been hope.

Slowly and ever more increasingly, the young man became aware of the sounds of a great number of voices. There were shouts and roars, but none of the words could be recognized. The sounds increased and erupted past him like a huge ocean wave. An enormous mass of shouting people had passed just outside his cell and were proceeding toward execution hill. The time was near. The man could not remember so great a crowd ever gathered to witness a death before.

Just then, the outside door of the prison was slammed open hard against the wall. Keys jiggled and the main security door was unlocked. Prison guards streamed towards his cell. The hopeless man trembled and recoiled in fear. Death was pouncing upon him.

The guards unlocked his cell and converged upon him like many wild tigers. They seized him, and drug him out into the morning sunlight outside the prison. When they had cleared the outside door of the prison, he was slammed face down hard on the ground. The impact knocked him into a daze. In a semi unconscious state, he waited for the first slapping sting of the lashing whip.

After a while, he senses quickened and he slowly opened his eyes, spitting dust from his mouth. He tilted his head slowly, expecting his flesh to be ripped open at any moment.

Amazingly, he was alone.

People were flowing in masses towards execution hill, but he was left unattended on the ground.

Slowly at first, but with increasing urgency, the freed man got up and made his way into an old warehouse, across the block from the prison. Looking around as he fled, he expected his fantasy to end at any moment. He made it to the abandoned building and flung himself sobbing to the ground.

After a long while, the man’s curiosity couldn’t be contained. He left the building and circled around the back of execution hill. He came up upon the crowd and mixed himself safely among the masses. With much effort, he fought his way through until he could see what the commotion was all about.

Three men hung dying on crosses, the pain etched across their faces. Two of the men he knew from his time in prison, but he didn’t recognize the man in the middle. This man seemed much weaker and closer to death than the others. He stood watching the dying man with blood gushing down the wood of the middle tree. A strange magnetism drew his soul, locking him in on the suffering criminal.

Their eyes met. Though he was among a mass of people, the man on the middle cross was looking directly at him. The dying man’s eyes were not desperate and frantic, but peaceful and loving.

After a few moments the freed man turned and walked away. As he fought his way back through the crowd, he overheard someone asking about the man on the middle cross, “Why are they killing him, what has he done?”

“He’s done nothing wrong,” the answer came. “He’s dying in place of a man set free.”

Exchanged Life

He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him Second Corinthians 5:21

What would it feel like to find yourself in a prison cell, sentenced to die? Yet, being released at the last hour for another to die in your place. A man free of wrong, willing to die for you. This is our story.

The Pearl Within

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it (Matthew 13:45-46)


When my mom was alive she cooked a special treat for me every Thanksgiving. I say “me” because she and I were the only ones who liked oyster casserole. From time to time others would taste a spoon full and with a “yuk,” confirm their dislike. This would leave me several helpings and leftovers of succulent seafood delight.

I love oysters, but oysters have more going for them than just being delicious.

When a grain of sand or other small particle slips in between its shells, an oyster will begin covering the uninvited visitor with nacre. Nacre, also known as mother of pearl, is a strong and iridescent material which protects the oyster from the intruder. Overtime, this nacre covered grain of sand is transformed into a pearl.

Treasure Within

As believers in Jesus Christ, we have the most valuable treasure imaginable inside us, the Holy Spirit of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ.

God’s Holy Spirit lives in us.

He’s the deposit sealing and guaranteeing our future inheritance[1]

He’s the Helper and Comforter Jesus promised[2][3]

He’s our power to live like Jesus Christ [4]

He’s our source of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control[5]

God indwelling us is the most important thing about us, but do we live accordingly? We’re designed to live lives of dependence, not independence.

Paul wrote: For we do not want you to be unaware, brethren, of our affliction which came to us in Asia, that we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life; indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead (II Corinthians 1:8-9);

Coming to the End of Me

For years as a Christian, I tried to emulate the Jesus I read about in my own strength.

I wore myself out with Christian activities and trying to behave like Jesus. It was utter failure. Besetting sins lingered, frustration and anger brewed. Busyness crowded people out. My life felt dutiful, not delightful. I experienced dark nights of the soul progressively coming to the end of me.

At every point of surrender God was waiting to teach me a deeper level of yielding to His life within. He’s teaching me to stop doing things “for Him” and allow His Spirit to empower me.

The Abiding Life is the Dying Life

I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing (John 15:5 NASB).

I used to think verses about abiding were good ideas. But I know now abiding is essential to living the joyous Christian life God intended.

Abiding means remaining, staying and dwelling in the spot of drawing our vital life source from Jesus the Vine. It’s yielding to Christ’s live within us; allowing Him to love others through us. But this requires us coming to terms with our spiritual death.

 I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me (Galatians 2:20 NASB)

We died. God lives inside. He becomes our life.

Rivers of Living Water Within

Jesus didn’t leave us as orphans. He sent His Holy Spirit to comfort us, to guide us, to fuel our lives.

Right now Jesus is in us. Let’s pause and acknowledge His nearness, determining not to move on without Him.

When Jesus said, Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.[6]

The word ‘Come’ means come this way.  Come. Stay, Walk this way with me. It’s an invitation to a continual, lasting togetherness.

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and You will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.[7]

As the adult ox bears the weight and does the work, the younger ox is guided along, resting and learning, Abiding is staying yoked and depending on the power of Jesus every moment of the day.


Lord, I see it now. There’s really no other way to live my life than in complete dependence upon you. I died and my life is now hidden in you. I want to remain aware of your presence as much as possible throughout the day. Remind me often that you’re near. When I forget your nearness because of daily duties, bring me quickly back to the enjoyment of being with You. And when I take that all too familiar stance of depending again on me, bring my efforts to failure that I might abide again in the sweet flow of your Rivers of Living Water within. You are my Pearl of Great Value. I give up all I have and all I am to You. Please use me for Your glory. Amen.

Novels by the Author:

Beyond Time

Hope Remains


[1] Ephesians 1:13-14

[2] John 14:16-17

[3] Colossians 1:27

[4] Philippians 2:13

[5] Galatians 5:22-23

[6] Matthew 11:28

[7] Matthew 11:29-30

When I Don’t Feel God’s Lovingkindness

O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly;  My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water.  Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory.  Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise You.  Psalm 63:1-3

As the sun warms my face, on a brisk, fall morning in the mountains of North Carolina, I read about God’s lovingkindness toward us.

David was in the wilderness when he penned the Psalm 63 and he compared his longing soul to dry, cracked soil. He was in desperate need of God’s presence, His Rivers of Living Water. (John 7:37-38)

I can relate to David’s desperate longings for God, but what catches my attention is the phrase “lovingkindness.”  David says it’s better than life itself.

Lovingkindness. What does it really mean? I’ve heard it said that if love is compared to a piece of freshly baked bread, slathered with butter. Lovingkindness is like adding strawberry preserves to what’s already succulently delicious.

The Hebrew word used here means goodness, faithfulness and kindness.

Jesus tells us God’s love for us is as great as the Father’s love for Him. (John 15:9) Paul uses words about God’s love for us which conger images of an ocean of love, beyond our understanding. (Ephesians 3:16-21)

When life is good, I can recognize God’s lovingkindness. However, in hard times, I don’t always feel loved, mostly because I don’t feel lovable.

Two situations come to mind.

  • when I fail
  • when I’m hurt.
When I Fail

I hate failing. I’ve had failures as a husband, as a father, as a son, as a brother, as an employee and an employer, as a friend, etc. Failure can cause me to feel unlovable. How can I be loved when I’ve performed so poorly?

As I write, the Holy Spirit reminds me:

I’ve been united with Christ in his death and resurrection. (Romans 6) I’ve been raised with Christ and seated with him in heavenly places. (Ephesians 2:6) In spite of my failures, I’m perfectly loved because my life is hidden with Christ (Colossians 3:3-4) Even though, in this temporal realm, I’m far from perfect, God loves me as much as He loves Jesus (John 15:9).

And although you were formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds, yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach. Colossians 1:21-22

In Christ, I’m holy, blameless and beyond reproach. When I see this, and believe it by faith, I begin to feel God’s lovingkindness, even in my failures. There are truths about me in Christ which can’t change because they are eternal.

When I’m Hurt

Another time I have a hard time embracing God’s lovingkindness for me is when I’ve been hurt. Being hurt can cause deep emotional pain, making me feel rejected and unlovable, even by God.

When I invite God into my pain, I do sense His presence and comfort.  I’m learning not to rely on the love of others for my value.

What helps is to realize the surpassing greatness of God’s love compared to even our dearest earthly relationships.  All human relationships must be secondary to our relationship with God. In fact, in Luke 14:26 Jesus says, “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.”

Compared to God’s great love, human love is like hate. God’s lovingkindness far exceeds all human affection. When I get a grasp of the expanse of His surpassing love for me, I’m filled with Joy, even in the most difficult human hurts.

More and more I seek love only from Him. This frees me up to love others for their sake, not for what I can get out of the relationship.

Better Than Life

God’s love overshadows everything about us. And when life is hardest, His lovingkindness shines even brighter. As a diamond sparkles against a dark background, God’s love is more brilliant in our darkest days.

Prayer: Lord, I rest in your love right now. I desire to walk in your love throughout the day. Even when I go through hard times, your love shines brighter and brighter. You are faithful. You are good. You are kind.

You love me.

Your lovingkindness is everlasting. (Psalm 136)

Your lovingkindness is better than life.

Please keep me aware of you and your love moment by moment.
