I’m feeling undone. I’m overwhelmed. The pains and cares of life seek to pull me under. Heart ache, people I love hurting, brokenness surrounds me. I feel detached from my Prince of Peace, my Life, my Glory, my Hope, my Source of Joy, the Lifter of my Head.
It’s close to midnight, but I decide to take a prayer walk. In times like this, I turn to prayer walks and getaways as my way of pulling back from everything to be alone with God.
I don’t always remember to surrender my troubles to God. Far too often I forget that apart from Him I can do nothing. [1] I forge ahead in my strength, striving to fix my life, leaving carnage all around. Relying on me instead of God is always a bad choice.
Leaving my driveway, I turn left, ascending towards Highway 6. I pry my grubby fingers off of each angst and deliver them one by one to my Father. I think of Peter’s words when he tells us to cast our anxiety upon God because He cares for us. [2]
Sometimes I can forget God is trustworthy. He has my best interest in mind. With my words, I release every care to my Good Father. Turning my palms upward, I peer into the cloudless, starry night.
I cross the highway and enter a dead-end road, which completes my walk out.
I hear a sound. Four deer, who were grazing in an open field, scamper away. God’s creation is all around. A small, wooded cul-de-sac boomerangs me back toward home.
As much as it’s in my ability to do so, I’ve surrendered all my burdens. As I cross the highway again, I sense peace. The problems seem overshadowed by the Lord’s nearness.
I ponder the marvels of being God’s son. A verse comes to mind.
Complete in Christ
For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete [filled to the brim, fully accomplished, perfect], and He is the head over all rule and authority; (Colossians 2:9-10).
In the verse, Paul says I’m complete in Christ. In Him, I’m rendered perfect in every conceivable way. I’m filled to the brim and overflowing with Christ, needing nothing.
The imagery is stunning.
As I descend the hill toward home, I marvel at the ramifications of this truth. If He’s filled me, what else do I really need? Do I need people to respect me and honor me? Do I need earthly security? Do I need smooth circumstances? As I ask, I know the answer.
If I’m filled to overflowing with Jesus, which I am, only one concern remains: loving others as He’s loved me. All the pressure’s off. Jesus lives in me. As I yield, as I abide, He loves through me. This is my only concern. He’s taken off my plate the need to always be looking after me.
As John the Baptist said, “I must decrease, and He must increase.” (John 3:30)
Walking it Out
I know this is not the end of my journey with tough feelings. If God blesses me with more days, I’ll face more physical and emotional pain. People I love will lose jobs, suffer illnesses, and face broken relationships. I’ll continue to experience my own trials.
Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 6:33 NIV)
Jesus has overcome the world. I’m in union with Him. He’s in me and I’m in Him. In Christ, I’m forgiven, loved, accomplished, righteous, valued. I’m complete in every way.
Walking out from here involves remembering Christ’s nearness and completeness, no matter what I face and no matter how I feel.
What do you need to surrender unto the Lord’s care this moment? In what areas do you feel lacking?
Call out to Christ and ask Him to give you an awareness of your completeness in Him. Walk in it. Experience the freedom of being filled to the brim with Him.
Rest in Christ and His undying lovingkindness toward you. He is your all.
Take a prayer walk.
Lord, what an amazing realization. Releasing my cares to You, I’m aware of Your nearness and my completeness in You. Please help me not to take back those angsts I’ve delivered to You. My completeness comes from You.
Empower me to worship You, Rest in You, depend upon You and love like You.
[1] John 15:5
[2] I Peter 4:7
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Other posts in our series In the Moments:
Sorrowful, Yet Always Rejoicing
Exploring Grace and Joy together
Quiddity. It Could Change Your Life
Finding Joy in Love and Relationships
When I don’t Feel God’s Loving Kindness
Joy in the Journey is about the gladness of God’s nearness in the midst of life’s adventures.
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Nonfiction books by the Author:
Because joy is rooted in God and is eternal, it doesn’t ebb and flow with the waves of circumstances. In fact, as we grow in our understanding of joy, we can even experience it more acutely when life is hard. Why? Because God uses trials to conform us into the image of Christ. With this awareness, which gives us glimpses of God’s greater purposes, we rejoice because of His masterful work to free us from needing anything but Him.
For these reasons, and many others, joy in the Lord is commanded in scripture. It’s not just a good idea, it’s vital to our journey as human beings. Rhythms of Joy
Novels by the Author:
What happens when a professor figures out how to send messages to his younger self to try and avoid the suicide of his best friend? Did he change more than he bargained for? Beyond Time
By finding two undelivered letters in an old shack deep in the woods, Cassie and Daniel unknowing set off a series of events which uncover a plot to wipe out a whole family Hope Remains
Please Check out the Cola City Podcast . Discussions that impact the vision of reaching every man, woman, and child in a city.